Jackson Farmers is a proud distributor of Cenex products – the industry standard for premium ag diesel, fuel and lubricant products.


Our team at Jackson Farmers can help you maximize your bottom line by locking in energy prices for the upcoming months or year ahead. Please contact Megin Green in our Effingham office to discuss your energy contracting needs today.


Please Call the Jackson Farmers Location near you for Current Pricing

All prices are subject to change at any time.

County Heating tax added at time of delivery or prepayment.

Current Price | Immediate delivery | Minimum of 200 gallons

See our Customer Call in Policy concerning Out of Gas, Special Trip or Small Delivery Surcharges.

*All propane used or delivered to leased tanks during lease term or until paid in full must be delivered by Jackson Farmers.

Regulators, copper tubing and fittings are extra.

We offer tanks for sale or for lease purchase:

500 Gallon New

Call for price

5 Year Lease-to-Own:

$480/yr plus tax

1000 Gallon New

Call for price

5 Year Lease-to-Own:

Call for price

Don't forget about your smaller propane needs

We also fill 20lb, 30lb, 40lb, and 100lb bottles at the Effingham Location.

Call the Effingham office at 913-833-2070 if you have any questions.

*** Customer must own his/her own tank for us to fill it.***

Propane Customer Call-In Policy

By choosing to be a Call In customer with Jackson Farmers, Inc., you are accepting the responsibility to monitor your own tank level and order propane to be delivered. Jackson Farmers, Inc. is not responsible for you running out of propane. In addition, Jackson Farmers, Inc. requires the following of its Call In customers.

  • Do not let your tank get below 5%.
  • In fact, 30% should be considered a minimum in determining when to order because
  • Jackson Farmers, Inc. reserves the right to apply a surcharge to any delivery that must be made without 7 days advanced notice.
  • Jackson Farmers, Inc. has a minimum delivery amount of 200 gallons if the customer is not on a keep full delivery.
    Surcharges are not just applied in the winter, so please monitor your tank year-round.


Out of Gas – Jackson Farmers, Inc. reserves the right to charge out of gas charges any time a customer runs out of gas (5% or less):

  • $50 – Jackson Farmers, Inc. also reserves the right to refuse service to customers who run out of gas 3 times.
  • $35 – Leak Test. Customers must be home to allow us to test fire propane-burning appliances

Special Trip – Jackson Farmers, Inc reserves the right to charge special trip charges on any delivery that must be made off route and has not had 7 days advance notice.

  • $50 – during business hours
  • $200 after business hours
  • $400 on holidays

by the numbers

1,614,923.11 GALLONS

of fuel and propane have passed through our locations according to fiscal year end stats










Out of Gas situations are the #1 cause of propane accidents

Jackson Farmers, Inc. considers any tank at or below 5% as potentially out of gas. If your tank is at or below 5%, we require access to visually verify that your pilot lights on all appliances are still lit before we deliver. We will not deliver until we can verify all pilots are still lit, and you will incur special trip charges if we have to return to deliver. Appliances with electronic ignition pilots must be test fired to ensure service has not been interrupted.

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